Martes, Agosto 23, 2011

reaction paper 2

91 Pinoys in Libya sign up for repatriation

On Monday, the DFA raised the alert level in Libya to 4, which means the mandatory evacuation and repatriation of Filipino nationals in the area at the Philippine government’s expense.

“It’s alert level number 4 which is mandatory repatriation. But at the end of the day, it’s still the decision of our workers whether to leave or not. But given the circumstances, we are hoping that they would take this offer of repatriation,” he said.
However, Hernandez said that since it's dangerous to go out, Filipinos have been advised to stay in doors and wait for further advice from the embassy.
“But for now, because the streets are full of danger, there are clashes in the streets, machine gun fires and explosions and even celebratory activities, we are enjoining our Filipinos in Libya not to go out into the streets but to stay in their home and workplaces and wait for the advice from the embassy in the preparation for their eventual repatriation,” he said.

source :

In my own opinion:
                      Some Filipinos in Libya are not safe because of the war. Our embassy's are doing their best to help them. For me, some Filipinos are staying there because of their jobs. If they come back in the Philippines, they don't have any job and the salaries here in the Philippines are not enough. It is not easy to live in other country while there is a war because you might die any time. They said that "stay in their home", what if their food is not enough for them? The Philippine embassy there must help them and they should provide food until the war ends.
                   If Philippines provides many jobs and high salaries, there will be no problem but as we all know, others are becoming OFW's so that they can able to provide money to their own family. Filipino's should help each other when this kind of problem occur. 

Martes, Hulyo 12, 2011

Punching incident

Punching incident

Hours before the punching incident, Duterte had requested Andres to push back the serving of the demolition order by two hours so she could personally oversee the operation. 

Without a court approval, her request went unheeded and violence started to mar the demolition operation. Duterte rushed to the site and punched Andres.

Quezon City court sheriff Nestor Rivera, a Scophil member, earlier described 
Duterte’s actions as “demeaning" to the judiciary and the justice system in the country.

Rivera, sheriff of the court hearing the high-profile Maguindanao massacre case, said Duterte should have just spoken with Andres instead of physically hurting him. 

Several groups in the judicial circle have already condemned Duterte’s assault, including a Scophil’s chapter in Cebu and the Quezon City Trial Lawyers League. 

Own opinion:

For me, Sara Duterte did the right thing. Andres should follow Duterte’s order. In my own opinion, Sara gets angry because Andres did not follow her order and also Sara gets angry because when the demolition will continued to demolished the place Andres might be died because those people who are affected by the demolition is willing to fight with their rights. They have “sumpak” that can kill people. When I heard this news I was shock because this is the first time our mayor hit somebody. “Sheriff Abe Andres took four blows in the left eye, the face and the back, and was taken to hospital shortly afterwards by the mayor’s bodyguard.” When I read this I was laughing because Sara has a good accurate with her punch.
            Duterte’s family is having a power in Davao city. But they don’t need to do such as bad fingers. They are respected here in Davao and that is why they need to show the proper manner of mayor. But I believe Sara did the right thing and doing her best so that Davao city becomes the best.